Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trying to catch up!

Hello friends and family. I know it has been a while but life got busy and I am just now catching up! For those who didn't know...Thomas graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering back in April. We then packed up our stuff and headed out to the city of Bremerton, WA. We are currently living in a pretty nice two bedroom apartment and Thomas has a good job at the Naval Shipyard. We plan on being here until the end of next summer and then it is off to a currently unknown place for Thomas to get his Masters. Life is going well. Thomas is enjoying work for the most part and has a calling with the Deacons which fills a lot of his spare time.

I am a happy stay at home Mommy and Alex and I have many many adventures together. He loves the many parks by our house....and especially likes to go to the beach and throw rocks in the water.

Alex is growing like a week and as usual is talking up a storm. He is turning two in a couple of weeks and it already asking questions and saying 6-7 word sentances. He amazes all who hear him talk. It is so cute to see so many words come out of such a small little man! Well I have to run...but I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beautiful colors of fall!


Steven said...

Hi Calkins!

Glad you're having fun in Washington. Wish we had an ocean around here. Thanks for keeping up with us, and we'll be watching for your pictures.

Love from the Truscotts in St. Louis

Chantel and Brian said...

Hey Shawnda its Chantel. I was cleaning out the inbox to our e-mail and found this old e-mail that had the announcement of your blog and here I am! Now I will visit often, hopefully you keep it updated regulary! Visit me and Brian anytime at
I love the pictures!

Rachel said...

YAY! We ran into Chris and Brittany, heard you're having a boy! Congrats!