Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Trying to catch up!

Hello friends and family. I know it has been a while but life got busy and I am just now catching up! For those who didn't know...Thomas graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering back in April. We then packed up our stuff and headed out to the city of Bremerton, WA. We are currently living in a pretty nice two bedroom apartment and Thomas has a good job at the Naval Shipyard. We plan on being here until the end of next summer and then it is off to a currently unknown place for Thomas to get his Masters. Life is going well. Thomas is enjoying work for the most part and has a calling with the Deacons which fills a lot of his spare time.

I am a happy stay at home Mommy and Alex and I have many many adventures together. He loves the many parks by our house....and especially likes to go to the beach and throw rocks in the water.

Alex is growing like a week and as usual is talking up a storm. He is turning two in a couple of weeks and it already asking questions and saying 6-7 word sentances. He amazes all who hear him talk. It is so cute to see so many words come out of such a small little man! Well I have to run...but I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the beautiful colors of fall!