Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Week Left!!! we all know that my blogging skills are not very lets get past that and I will give the current update!!

I am currently in my last week of pregnancy #2!!! Hooray!!! I am WAY ready to be done. In the last couple of days my ankles decided they didn't like their current appearance and now look closer to those of an elephant!!! Besides big ankles and looking like I have a large basketball attached to my tummy...I am doing pretty well! I am excited to be done with the "fat" stage and move on to the wonderful world of newborns!!

Alex is now just over two and a half seems to be pretty excited about a little brother. He told me that baby "Conner" can sleep in his bed with him and he will sing him some songs. We shall see if this is really what Alex thinks of a newborn when he gets here! Alex has always been a very verbal little guy and as he grows this continues to be the case. Here is a little taste of his verbal/singing skills and his hilarious little personality! He always makes me smile!

As for Thomas...he is still pluggin' along at the shipyard....but has decided that he would like to go back to school and get his Masters in Engineering. He is currently studying for the GRE and hoping to take that soon so we can get into the winter semester at BYU-Provo. We will see how things go with that and keep everyone posted!Being pregnant has limited a lot of our family activities but we still found some fun things to do in the last little while. A couple of weeks ago we got to attend the Arms Forces Parade. It was supposedly the largest Arms Forces Parade in the United States. We watched for an hour and a half...then Alex got cranky and we had to leave before it finished. It was pretty cool! A couple of motercyle guys broke down right in front of us so Alex got to sit on one of their bikes while they tried to get them running again!

We also got to go to the Tulip festival with Thomas' younger sister, Johanna. It was amazing!! We took a trolley ride around the field and took tons of pictures. It was like watching a rainbow of flowers! Then when we were done looking we bought some really pretty tulips to take home.

Well that is all for now. I hope everyone is doing well and I will try my hardest to update my blog again when the newest member of the Calkins family graces us with his presence!!!